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Pedagogy Dubai



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Pedagogy Dubai(圖1)-速報App

Yellow Brick Road Nursery & Crystal Valley Nursery,

Professional Dubai Early Years Centers for Babies 45 days up to 3+ years.

Nursery Registrations Open

Yellow Brick Road Nursery, located in Al Garhoud, close to Irish Village.
Crystal Valley Nursery, located at Arabian Center, Al Mizhar 1.

Professional Nurseries providing best practice care and education for babies from 45 days and young children up to 3+ years.

Pedagogy Dubai(圖2)-速報App

Implement the Reggio Inspired Approach to the British Early Years Foundation Curriculum and all Nursery teaching staff are qualified practitioners.

Nursery hours are 7am until 6pm with convenient drop off and pick up times to suit our Nursery families.

Our Nursery fees are excellent as we provide over and above what is required such as breakfast and lunch for all the children, longer hours and we never ask parents to pay extra for books, arts and craft material, etc.

At Yellow Brick Road Nursery and Crystal Valley Nursery, our relationships with our Nursery children are based on respect and affection. By providing support and nurturing care, children feel free to 'grow' in an environment which promotes their health and develops their well-being.

We have a high staff to child ratio, ensuring that all the children’s personal and learning needs are well cared for.

Pedagogy Dubai(圖3)-速報App

Welcome to our Nurseries.

Pedagogy Dubai(圖4)-速報App